Sports Acupuncture Treatment
Athletic Acupuncture Therapy
Service Description
Provide Acupuncture, shiatsu, Osteopathy, and Radio treatments. Depending on your individual preferences and requirements. We examine the overall function and alignment of the body to ensure that the underlying cause of a problem is addressed, rather than just its symptoms. This can help to provide long-term change and improvement. Each individual’s restorative processes can be facilitated by these manual techniques. 鍼灸、指圧整体を組み合わせた、統合治療。 症状、疾患名、患われている期間をご記入下さい。 お名前はローマ字でお願い致します。
Cancellation Policy
If you wish to cancel or reschedule your appointment, please ensure to contact your assigned therapist (staff) directly at least 24 hours in advance to avoid any charges. If an appointment is cancelled or rescheduled within the 24-hour period, you will be charged 50% of the full scheduled service price.